《英国全科医学杂志》(British Journal of General Practice)2015年4月份目次选登





8/20/2018 12:00:00 AM

·Child health care in general prac;tic;e:priorities for education and practice
·Improving the effectiveness of self一monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes
·Tools and tables in cardiovascular risk management:doing more harm than good?
.Invest in community一based  solutions that address individuals' needs: not mare hells
·Digital mental health services in general practice
·Endometriosis in secondary care
·Childhood urinary tract infection in primary care:a prospective observational study of prevalence diagnosis treatment and recovery
·Translation of c;linic;al prediction rules for febrile children to primary care practice:an observational cohort study
·Obesity in primary care:a qualitative synthesis of patient and practitioner perspectives on roles and responsibilities
·Experiences  of a  commercial  weight一loss  programme  after
 primary care referral:a qualitative study
·Reduction  in  self一monitoring  of  blood  glucose  in  type  2 diabetes:an observational controlled study in east London
·Using quantitative risk information in decisions about statins: a qualitative study in a community setting
·Views  of  newly一(lualified  GPs  about  their  training  and preparedness: lessons for extended generalist training
·A journey into the humanitarian side of general practice
·Compassion or empathy? A way forward to reduce GP stress and burnout
·International primary care snapshots:Australia and Brazil
·Setting ground rules for GP trainer groups:potential pitfalls and how to avoid them
·Revisiting screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus:the case for and against using HbAlc


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